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Nyheder & events
Webinar From Serology to Molecular Blood Group Genotyping
In this webinar, held by BAG Diagnostics, you will learn how molecular methods, particularly real-time PCR, offer a valuable complement to traditional serological testing. This highly precise technology analyzes blood group traits directly at the DNA level, allowing the detection... [Læs mere]
HealthcareUncategorized @da
Biolog-id new distribution partnership
We are pleased to inform that Biolog-id & LABEX have formed a distribution partnership for the Scandinavian market, including Iceland. Under this partnership, we will support and promote the Biolog-id solution across Scandinavia. All product-related questions, orders, logistics, service &... [Læs mere]
Register for Bio-Rad Transfusion Science Webinar – Practical Considerations for Verifying Autoantibody Serology Tests
Date: November 16, 2022 Time: 5:00pm (CET) Register: Klick to learn more about the webinar and register SPEAKER Melissa R. Snyder, PhD, DABCC Co-Director, Antibody Immunology Laboratory, Mayo Clinic TOPIC Verification of Autoantibody Serology Tests: Practical Considerations for the Clinical... [Læs mere]
Transfusion Science Webinar- on demand
Webinarerne er tilgængelige on-demand, så du kan se dem, når det passer dig bedst. Klik videre for tilmelding[Læs mere]
Deks- Brugermøde september 2022
I forbindelse med Deks brugermøde på hotel Sönderborg Strand 21.-22. september mødes du af LABEX på stedet som udstiller begge dage. Kom forbi på en god snak. Vi glæder os til at ses! [Læs mere]